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Gene Expression Literature Summary
In situ RNA (whole mount)
Embryonic, DPC unknown

51 matching records from 51 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Shh  sonic hedgehog   (Synonyms: Hhg1)
Results  Reference
1*J:35170 Abud HE, Skinner JA, McDonald FJ, Bedford MT, Lonai P, Heath JK, Ectopic expression of Fgf-4 in chimeric mouse embryos induces the expression of early markers of limb development in the lateral ridge. Dev Genet. 1996;19(1):51-65
1J:168361 Ahn Y, Sanderson BW, Klein OD, Krumlauf R, Inhibition of Wnt signaling by Wise (Sostdc1) and negative feedback from Shh controls tooth number and patterning. Development. 2010 Oct;137(19):3221-31
1J:220960 Akiyama R, Kawakami H, Wong J, Oishi I, Nishinakamura R, Kawakami Y, Sall4-Gli3 system in early limb progenitors is essential for the development of limb skeletal elements. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Apr 21;112(16):5075-80
1J:154448 Bastida MF, Sheth R, Ros MA, A BMP-Shh negative-feedback loop restricts Shh expression during limb development. Development. 2009 Nov;136(22):3779-89
1J:58674 Bell SM, Schreiner CM, Scott WJ, Disrupting the establishment of polarizing activity by teratogen exposure. Mech Dev. 1999 Nov;88(2):147-57
1J:139339 Chawengsaksophak K, de Graaff W, Rossant J, Deschamps J, Beck F, Cdx2 is essential for axial elongation in mouse development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 May 18;101(20):7641-5
1J:62181 Constam DB, Robertson EJ, SPC4/PACE4 regulates a TGFbeta signaling network during axis formation. Genes Dev. 2000 May 1;14(9):1146-55
1J:213642 Cooper KL, Sears KE, Uygur A, Maier J, Baczkowski KS, Brosnahan M, Antczak D, Skidmore JA, Tabin CJ, Patterning and post-patterning modes of evolutionary digit loss in mammals. Nature. 2014 Jul 3;511(7507):41-5
1J:40192 Dixon J, Hovanes K, Shiang R, Dixon MJ, Sequence analysis, identification of evolutionary conserved motifs and expression analysis of murine tcof1 provide further evidence for a potential function for the gene and its human homologue, TCOF1. Hum Mol Genet. 1997 May;6(5):727-37
1*J:49657 Dufort D, Schwartz L, Harpal K, Rossant J, The transcription factor HNF3beta is required in visceral endoderm for normal primitive streak morphogenesis. Development. 1998 Aug;125(16):3015-25
1J:152551 Endoh-Yamagami S, Evangelista M, Wilson D, Wen X, Theunissen JW, Phamluong K, Davis M, Scales SJ, Solloway MJ, de Sauvage FJ, Peterson AS, The mammalian Cos2 homolog Kif7 plays an essential role in modulating Hh signal transduction during development. Curr Biol. 2009 Aug 11;19(15):1320-6
1J:64678 Epstein DJ, Martinu L, Michaud JL, Losos KM, Fan C, Joyner AL, Members of the bHLH-PAS family regulate shh transcription in forebrain regions of the mouse CNS. Development. 2000 Nov;127(21):4701-9
1J:170490 Field S, Riley KL, Grimes DT, Hilton H, Simon M, Powles-Glover N, Siggers P, Bogani D, Greenfield A, Norris DP, Pkd1l1 establishes left-right asymmetry and physically interacts with Pkd2. Development. 2011 Mar;138(6):1131-42
1J:140928 Furtado MB, Solloway MJ, Jones VJ, Costa MW, Biben C, Wolstein O, Preis JI, Sparrow DB, Saga Y, Dunwoodie SL, Robertson EJ, Tam PP, Harvey RP, BMP/SMAD1 signaling sets a threshold for the left/right pathway in lateral plate mesoderm and limits availability of SMAD4. Genes Dev. 2008 Nov 1;22(21):3037-49
1J:139139 Garcia-Garcia MJ, Shibata M, Anderson KV, Chato, a KRAB zinc-finger protein, regulates convergent extension in the mouse embryo. Development. 2008 Sep;135(18):3053-62
1J:36210 Georges-Labouesse EN, George EL, Rayburn H, Hynes RO, Mesodermal development in mouse embryos mutant for fibronectin. Dev Dyn. 1996 Oct;207(2):145-56
1J:85730 Gorivodsky M, Lonai P, Novel roles of Fgfr2 in AER differentiation and positioning of the dorsoventral limb interface. Development. 2003 Nov;130(22):5471-9
1J:135128 Guo Q, Li JY, Distinct functions of the major Fgf8 spliceform, Fgf8b, before and during mouse gastrulation. Development. 2007 Jun;134(12):2251-60
1J:100475 Harfe BD, McManus MT, Mansfield JH, Hornstein E, Tabin CJ, The RNaseIII enzyme Dicer is required for morphogenesis but not patterning of the vertebrate limb. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Aug 2;102(31):10898-903
1*J:92504 Harfe BD, Scherz PJ, Nissim S, Tian H, McMahon AP, Tabin CJ, Evidence for an expansion-based temporal Shh gradient in specifying vertebrate digit identities. Cell. 2004 Aug 20;118(4):517-28
1J:58673 Heymer J, Ruther U, Syndactyly of Ft/+ mice correlates with an imbalance in bmp4 and fgf8 expression. Mech Dev. 1999 Nov;88(2):173-81
1J:58691 Hildebrand JD, Soriano P, Shroom, a PDZ domain-containing actin-binding protein, is required for neural tube morphogenesis in mice. Cell. 1999 Nov 24;99(5):485-97
1J:39633 Hrabe de Angelis M, McIntyre J 2nd, Gossler A, Maintenance of somite borders in mice requires the Delta homologue DII1. Nature. 1997 Apr 17;386(6626):717-21
1J:143538 Hu D, Marcucio RS, Unique organization of the frontonasal ectodermal zone in birds and mammals. Dev Biol. 2009 Jan 1;325(1):200-10
1J:170540 Jeong Y, Dolson DK, Waclaw RR, Matise MP, Sussel L, Campbell K, Kaestner KH, Epstein DJ, Spatial and temporal requirements for sonic hedgehog in the regulation of thalamic interneuron identity. Development. 2011 Feb;138(3):531-41
1J:62984 Kitajima S, Takagi A, Inoue T, Saga Y, MesP1 and MesP2 are essential for the development of cardiac mesoderm. Development. 2000 Aug;127(15):3215-26
1J:99350 Kmita M, Tarchini B, Zakany J, Logan M, Tabin CJ, Duboule D, Early developmental arrest of mammalian limbs lacking HoxA/HoxD gene function. Nature. 2005 Jun 23;435(7045):1113-6
1J:52397 Koebbe MJ, Golden JA, Bennett G, Finnell RH, Mackler SA, Effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on embryonic expression of sonic hedgehog. Teratology. 1999 Jan;59(1):12-9
1J:165721 Krawchuk D, Weiner SJ, Chen YT, Lu BC, Costantini F, Behringer RR, Laufer E, Twist1 activity thresholds define multiple functions in limb development. Dev Biol. 2010 Nov 1;347(1):133-46
1J:107400 Laurikkala J, Mikkola ML, James M, Tummers M, Mills AA, Thesleff I, p63 regulates multiple signalling pathways required for ectodermal organogenesis and differentiation. Development. 2006 Apr;133(8):1553-63
1J:114533 Lee YJ, Hong KH, Yun J, Oh SP, Generation of activin receptor type IIB isoform-specific hypomorphic alleles. Genesis. 2006 Oct;44(10):487-94
1*J:163739 Leung AW, Wong SY, Chan D, Tam PP, Cheah KS, Loss of procollagen IIA from the anterior mesendoderm disrupts the development of mouse embryonic forebrain. Dev Dyn. 2010 Sep;239(9):2319-29
1J:106308 Liu Y, Festing M, Thompson JC, Hester M, Rankin S, El-Hodiri HM, Zorn AM, Weinstein M, Smad2 and Smad3 coordinately regulate craniofacial and endodermal development. Dev Biol. 2004 Jun 15;270(2):411-26
1J:197427 Lopez TP, Fan CM, Dynamic CREB family activity drives segmentation and posterior polarity specification in mammalian somitogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 May 28;110(22):E2019-27
1J:178623 Madabhushi M, Lacy E, Anterior visceral endoderm directs ventral morphogenesis and placement of head and heart via BMP2 expression. Dev Cell. 2011 Nov 15;21(5):907-19
1J:31829 Masuya H, Sagai T, Moriwaki K, Shiroishi T, Genetic Analysis of Mouse Mutants Affecting Limb Pattern Formation. Annu Rep Natl Inst Genet Jpn. 1994;45:52-53
1J:164551 Matsumoto Y, Matsumoto K, Irie F, Fukushi J, Stallcup WB, Yamaguchi Y, Conditional ablation of the heparan sulfate-synthesizing enzyme Ext1 leads to dysregulation of bone morphogenic protein signaling and severe skeletal defects. J Biol Chem. 2010 Jun 18;285(25):19227-34
1J:216413 Murdoch JN, Damrau C, Paudyal A, Bogani D, Wells S, Greene ND, Stanier P, Copp AJ, Genetic interactions between planar cell polarity genes cause diverse neural tube defects in mice. Dis Model Mech. 2014 Oct;7(10):1153-63
1J:111702 Murray SA, Gridley T, Snail family genes are required for left-right asymmetry determination, but not neural crest formation, in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Jul 5;103(27):10300-4
1J:78407 O'Rourke MP, Soo K, Behringer RR, Hui CC, Tam PP, Twist plays an essential role in FGF and SHH signal transduction during mouse limb development. Dev Biol. 2002 Aug 1;248(1):143-56
1J:74219 Ogino Y, Suzuki K, Haraguchi R, Satoh Y, Dolle P, Yamada G, External genitalia formation: role of fibroblast growth factor, retinoic acid signaling, and distal urethral epithelium. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2001 Dec;948:13-31
1J:163834 Paudyal A, Damrau C, Patterson VL, Ermakov A, Formstone C, Lalanne Z, Wells S, Lu X, Norris DP, Dean CH, Henderson DJ, Murdoch JN, The novel mouse mutant, chuzhoi, has disruption of Ptk7 protein and exhibits defects in neural tube, heart and lung development and abnormal planar cell polarity in the ear. BMC Dev Biol. 2010;10:87
1J:173656 Pulina MV, Hou SY, Mittal A, Julich D, Whittaker CA, Holley SA, Hynes RO, Astrof S, Essential roles of fibronectin in the development of the left-right embryonic body plan. Dev Biol. 2011 Jun 15;354(2):208-20
1J:158139 Seifert AW, Yamaguchi T, Cohn MJ, Functional and phylogenetic analysis shows that Fgf8 is a marker of genital induction in mammals but is not required for external genital development. Development. 2009 Aug;136(15):2643-51
1J:128015 Sheth R, Bastida MF, Ros M, Hoxd and Gli3 interactions modulate digit number in the amniote limb. Dev Biol. 2007 Oct 15;310(2):430-41
1J:78402 Sun X, Mariani FV, Martin GR, Functions of FGF signalling from the apical ectodermal ridge in limb development. Nature. 2002 Aug 1;418(6897):501-8
1J:99648 Washington Smoak I, Byrd NA, Abu-Issa R, Goddeeris MM, Anderson R, Morris J, Yamamura K, Klingensmith J, Meyers EN, Sonic hedgehog is required for cardiac outflow tract and neural crest cell development. Dev Biol. 2005 Jul 15;283(2):357-72
1*J:125229 Welsh IC, Hagge-Greenberg A, O'brien TP, A dosage-dependent role for Spry2 in growth and patterning during palate development. Mech Dev. 2007 Sep-Oct;124(9-10):746-61
1J:154916 Welsh IC, O'Brien TP, Signaling integration in the rugae growth zone directs sequential SHH signaling center formation during the rostral outgrowth of the palate. Dev Biol. 2009 Dec 1;336(1):53-67
1J:52600 Yamaguchi TP, Bradley A, McMahon AP, Jones S, A Wnt5a pathway underlies outgrowth of multiple structures in the vertebrate embryo. Development. 1999 Mar;126(6):1211-23
1J:91567 Zakany J, Kmita M, Duboule D, A dual role for Hox genes in limb anterior-posterior asymmetry. Science. 2004 Jun 11;304(5677):1669-72

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